Have you ever asked your child, "What do they want to be when they grow up?" Some can answer immediately while others struggle to know what they want to do in life at such an early age. I have designed this book to offer a few suggestions for kids who know what they want to do and for those who are perhaps uncertain. It's a fun look at career choices and hopefully it will be inspiring enough to help them find their place in this world. 


This book comes in softcover and hardcover versions with 34 pages and it comes with a bonus gift. It is 8.5" x 8.5". It is a perfect sized book to hold for kids with little hands. Below are just a few sample pages from the book.


It was 1976 and I was sitting in my Kindergarten classroom drawing my favorite Saturday morning cartoon characters just before recess. The class was wowed by my early ability to draw and I knew at an early age "I WANTED TO BE AN ARTIST WHEN I GROW UP!" I always knew I wanted to Be Somebody Great.

Fast forward 47 years later and I'm FINALLY publishing my first children's book, "Be Somebody Great". What took me so long? After helping raise two kids and servicing many individuals and organizations with their own graphic needs and design desires, I'm finally able to push my book publishing business off the ground.

Please share this with your friends, family and organizations that support grade school children. Thank you in advance for love and support!!!
The Real Power for a Child's Mind is in Books.

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